Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Saying That Could Well Destroy Us All

Those who cannot do, teach. If this it true, our society is slowly deteriorating. Education is the most important thing in the world. If today's kids don't become tommorow's physicists, there will be no physicists. The best and brightest must be our teachers, or else our generation's best and brightest will be dumb and dull.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


The most loving creature in the world is a pet. It may be a dog or a cat or just a fish. Whatever it is, its magic is the same. A pet offers an environment where there is no judging and there is only unconditional love, for this is the only real type of love. Chances are you'll spend a large portion of your life not knowing anyone like that, but if you don't you can always find it in your pets.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


What is it for something to be cliché? Sometimes I think people believe the word means bad, unoriginal, boring. In reality, thing become cliché because they are the things that happen the most, or that work the best. I gave my girlfriend chocolates in a heart shaped box on Valentine's day, and even if she had complained that it were cliché, I would know that on the inside, she loved it. The reason chocolates are cliché is because it's what people like to get. Do not be afraid of cliché. Love it and live it.