Sunday, May 30, 2010


It is an unfortunate fact that you and I will spend a large part of our lives arguing. Whether we argue with our enemies, our friends, or even our spouses, we will argue. More than half the time it will be about something no one cares about. No where is this more apparent than on the internet. On the games you play, people will argue about the usage of then or than. People will argue about the best way to execute the 5th point in the same strategy. But why do we purposefully subject ourselves to such useless arguments? Recently I've realized that it is due to a unique attribute of games. At the end of the game, after all the disagreements and all of the arguing, you get to figure out who was right. Because no matter who was more stupid or more "noob", when you see your name at the top of the scoreboard, you know that you were right all along.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


There goes a saying where I live that ignorance is bliss. That is to say that not knowing makes us happier than knowing. But the scientists among us, the philosophers, the mathematicians, know this cannot be true. The dark ages were brought from a philosophy all too similar to this one. It is the thinkers that keep culture, and civilization itself on its feet. It is Immanuel Kant's "dare to know" process that keeps us happy. And yet sometimes, when the parents are yelling and it is all you can do to stop the tears from rolling onto your pillow, the only cure is to cover your ears with music and let ignorance be bliss.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just Some Thoughts

As is with the random brain mush that falls into this site, I thought I would add some random quote-like thoughts.

All women are crazy and all men are jerks. Some are just better at hiding it.

We could learn so much more if we didn't waste our time in school.

If you knew what you were doing, you would be doing it.

Fix yourself before you try to fix anyone else.

You can't make yourself responsible for someone else's failures.

If life is hard, if it is scary, if it is uncomfortable, then you are doing something right. The warm, cozy, dream life, is a mixture of apathy and laziness.

Don't romanticize life. You won't like the break-up.

The more generalities you make, the closer you are to being right.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


In childhood, we are called cute. Anything from the way we rub our eyes to the determination with which we work on a project, people give this backhanded complement. At what point does cute become an insult? At what point do we reject cuteness and accept a more severe life? It seems almost instinctual to despise these words at any age of which we have memory, but why? Why can't we accept what is essentially charm and attractiveness? What stops us from separating from the ridiculous expectation of gravity in all the throws of life? We all look at the fools and mock them for their whimsical attitude. Is it not them, in their cuteness, that allows them to be free?