Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My life is like a game of Jenga

  Every brick stuck together like each tick of the clock
  inextricably linked yet so easily taken apart

    I wish I could I could pull out those moments like a brick in Jenga
    take each dirty, embarrassing, humiliating mark from the tower
    as I watch the tower lean
                                    but not fall.

    I want to take out every brick in the tower
    Every brick until one more would topple the whole thing over

    I want to see the tower fall in my mind's eye
      just to know that I know
        what each brick means
        and wince and cringe and Feel
      as the tower becomes unrecognizable before my eyes
      only to laugh when the tower stands oh so precariously.

  But I let it stand because I know that it is beautiful.
  It was always beautiful.

  Other times
    I wish I would pull one more.

I never was good at Jenga.