Saturday, February 13, 2010


At some point in life, everyone has heard the phrase, "It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." And yet we have all had the relationship where there are no happy moments, no fond memories. There are only misery, anger, and regret. How could this be for the best? How could this be better? I think this could be most likened to giving a man starving in the desert a rich spoon of honey. Not enough to give him any sustenance, only enough to whet his palette and leave him wishing for more. Some would see this as torture, and yet it isn't. This is because the man now has drive. He has the motivation to keep going, when he may have otherwise given up. I believe love is the same way. Each failure brings us closer to success, and love can fail over a million times, because it only needs to succeed once to engorge our lives with happiness.

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