Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Magic

When we were 5 years old, we used to stay up every christmas eve to see Santa. Every night we would fall asleep too early but wake up just as early as we possibly could to see the presents under the tree. The pine smell and bright lights were magical, they truly were. And all the cheering and food and presents made us laugh and smile for the whole day. But as we grow up it's a little harder to see that magic. The lights are just L.E.D.'s, the smell is worn and familiar, and the myth of Santa died out many years ago. But the parents who put you to sleep every night, and the family and friends that you celebrate with, are they not magical? Is it not magical to see all of the woes and frustrations of daily life melt away to jollity and glee? However hard the fruit cake or dry the ham, christmas food will always taste the best and the laughs on this day will always be the hardest because it doesn't matter if you're 5 or 25, atheist, jewish or christian, boy or girl, genius or athlete, for this one day, the magic is real.

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