Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Saying That Could Well Destroy Us All

Those who cannot do, teach. If this it true, our society is slowly deteriorating. Education is the most important thing in the world. If today's kids don't become tommorow's physicists, there will be no physicists. The best and brightest must be our teachers, or else our generation's best and brightest will be dumb and dull.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


The most loving creature in the world is a pet. It may be a dog or a cat or just a fish. Whatever it is, its magic is the same. A pet offers an environment where there is no judging and there is only unconditional love, for this is the only real type of love. Chances are you'll spend a large portion of your life not knowing anyone like that, but if you don't you can always find it in your pets.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


What is it for something to be cliché? Sometimes I think people believe the word means bad, unoriginal, boring. In reality, thing become cliché because they are the things that happen the most, or that work the best. I gave my girlfriend chocolates in a heart shaped box on Valentine's day, and even if she had complained that it were cliché, I would know that on the inside, she loved it. The reason chocolates are cliché is because it's what people like to get. Do not be afraid of cliché. Love it and live it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Three Types of People

Wherever you look, you can easily tell these three people. There are the ordinary people who wish they were extraordinary. These are those people that tell you they want to be an actor, or a writer, or in a big rock band, but even they know on the inside that as much as they wish they could, they are just wishing they were special. Then there are the extraordinary people that wish they were ordinary. The band geeks, the math nerds, the people that will be richer and more famous and more influential then the popular kids could ever imagine to be, and yet they wish they were part of a bigger clique. Then there's the weirdest type of all: the happy people. The people that know their limitations, but at the same time embrace every flaw and success alike as part of their being. You might live your entire life without seeing someone like this, but you could try to be one of them. That would be nice.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Magic of Music

Music is the catalyst from which some of the best things in life can form. If you've ever felt like you'd rather be dead, maybe you've gone and listened to some Beatles and felt just a little better. When it seems like everyone around you is changing, a good dosage of Billy Joel could make you see the brighter side of the situation. My parents could beat me, my food could be slim, but I would give everything away if I could just come home every day and fiddle with the piano keys, or jam on my drums. It may be debatable that apes have morals, but what truly separates humans from the animals is that we are the only creatures on this earth that can truly understand rhythm and music, and that is a gift we should never take for granted.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


There are times in one's life where they will encounter the phenomenon of loss. It won't necessarily come as death, maybe its just an older brother or sister going to college, maybe its a friend taking a long trip to a far away place. You'll wish your merry good-byes, but on the inside you know how much you'll miss them. It doesn't matter that they're only living for a few weeks or even just days, or that they'll be back and you'll have a fun reunion. At this moment in time they might as well have died, because you feel like they will never come back. What's important is not to keep from this cliché of grieving loss, but rather to embrace it and let it get better in its own time.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Death is like the rain. Some find it as a natural, beautiful part of life, to others it is a gruesome event. It can cause excitement or depression, depending on the time and whom it effects, maybe it will even be unnoticed. But when its all done and through, it leaves a fine mist and a clear day, and under the perfect conditions, we will all see the rainbow through the rain.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Internet

I love the internet, but as all things, it has its limits. Can you make a youtube video of happiness? Can you tweet love? When's the last time you've made your first kiss a myspace page? I can change a dozen lives with a click of my mouse in the sims, but it sure doesn't help me avoid my abusive father, or alcoholic mother, or tell my brother that I want him to be there for me when I really need it. I can have 20,000 facebook friends, and have a million photo comments, but when I lie down at night and see stare at the ceiling and think, I believe I would have prefered to have one real friend who would never leave.


1 Follower! Much thanks, hopefully more will follow.

The Contradiction of a Religious War

I've always speculated on people like Abraham and Jesus and Muhammad. I wonder, when they preached of peace and love that they truly expected all of their followers to go out and brutally kill their enemies. Was "you shall not commit murder" codeword for "kill people over the slight differences, making sure to ignore the vast similarities?" Was "you shall not covet your neighbor's house" a subliminal message meaning "start the crusades in a quest to get 'your' land back?"

The Conformist

In a world where it has become mainstream to be a non-conformist, it is the conformists who are truly the rebels.

Hello Blogspot

Hello to the world of blogging! I plan on just adding my thoughts whenever I have them. Sometimes stories or anecdotes about my day, maybe some reminiscing of how things once were, or just a general view about life.