Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Three Types of People

Wherever you look, you can easily tell these three people. There are the ordinary people who wish they were extraordinary. These are those people that tell you they want to be an actor, or a writer, or in a big rock band, but even they know on the inside that as much as they wish they could, they are just wishing they were special. Then there are the extraordinary people that wish they were ordinary. The band geeks, the math nerds, the people that will be richer and more famous and more influential then the popular kids could ever imagine to be, and yet they wish they were part of a bigger clique. Then there's the weirdest type of all: the happy people. The people that know their limitations, but at the same time embrace every flaw and success alike as part of their being. You might live your entire life without seeing someone like this, but you could try to be one of them. That would be nice.

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